It’s greatly important to observe peacekeeping principles, Iranian diplomat tells UN

Gholamali Khoshroo, Iran’s ambassador to the UN, has said it is “highly important” that the United Nations “observe the purposes and principles of peacekeeping” operations.
“While recognizing the need for the UN peacekeeping operations to keep pace with the changing complex nature of peace and security context, we believe that it is highly important to observe the purposes and principles of peacekeeping, namely the consent of the parties, the non-use of force except in self-defense and impartiality,” he said, addressing the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations on ‘Comprehensive Review of the Whole Question of Peacekeeping Operations in all Their Aspects’.
Following is the full text of his speech published by IRNA:
At the outset, I would like to congratulate you and the other members of the bureau on your re-election to the bureau of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (C34).
I appreciate Mr. Lacroix, Under-Secretary-General for peacekeeping operations and Mr. Atul Khare, Under-Secretary-General for Field Support for their efficient leadership over the DPKO and DFS respectively.
The Islamic Republic of Iran associates myself with the statement made yesterday by the distinguished Permanent Representative of the Kingdom of Morocco on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement.
My delegation pays tribute to men and women who served under the flag of the United Nations, especially those Peacekeepers, who lost their lives in the cause of peace and in defending the honor of the United Nations.
Seven decades after the founding of United Nations, maintenance of international peace and security remains the major concern for the world today. Therefore, the role of United Nations in conflicts prevention, peacekeeping, peacebuilding and sustaining peace needs to be constantly enhanced and strengthened. In our view, peacekeeping operations, despite all its challenges, remain a vital tool for promoting international peace and security. Therefore, my delegation emphasizes the unique and crucial role of the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations (C-34) as the only United Nations forum mandated by the General Assembly to review comprehensively the whole question of United Nations Peacekeeping Operations in all their aspects.
Since its inception in 1948, the United Nations peacekeeping operations have undergone many changes in the way they managed and implemented in conflict areas. While recognizing the need for the UN peacekeeping operations to keep pace with the changing complex nature of peace and security context, we believe that it is highly important to observe the purposes and principles of peacekeeping, namely the consent of the parties, the non-use of force except in self-defense and impartiality. We strongly believe that the respect for principles of sovereign equality, political independence, territorial integrity of all States and non-intervention in matters that are essentially within their domestic jurisdiction should also be upheld in this regard.
The Islamic Republic of Iran continues to emphasize the importance of the role of the United Nations peacekeeping operations, and in this context I would like to bring the followings to your attention:
• We recognize any initiative aims to make the UN peacekeeping operations more effective, agile and responsive to current realities. In this regard, my delegation supports Secretary-General’s proposal to reform the United Nations peace and Security pillar of the Secretariat in order to make it more efficient and effective. However, we believe that his proposal, needs to go through relevant intergovernmental process in order to be examined carefully and comprehensively.
• Protection of Civilians (PoC) that is the primary responsibility of host countries, where mandated in a peacekeeping mission, should aim to support the national efforts in host countries to protect the civilians. Therefore, any military intervention by the United Nations or by any foreign forces under the pretext of protection of civilians should be avoided.
• on the issue of use of modern technologies and intelligence in peacekeeping missions, we believe that using such technologies as well as intelligence should aim at increasing safety and security of United Nations personnel, including the peacekeepers. However, the legal aspects of using modern technologies and intelligence should be defined in appropriate intergovernmental processes.
• Conduct and discipline of the United Nations personnel can directly affect the Organization’s image. Therefore, the highest standard of conduct and discipline for the United Nations personnel, including UN peacekeepers must be upheld and policy of zero-tolerance on misconduct, especially Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) should be fully implemented.
• The role of regional arrangements in peacekeeping should be defined in accordance with Chapter VIII of the Charter of the United Nations. Regional arrangements should not in any way substitute the role of the United Nations or disengage it of its primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security.
• The rule of law is an important factor to build lasting peace and justice and help stabilize the situation and extend state authority in countries in conflict or emerging from conflict. In this context, any contribution to support the host countries in restoring or establishing the rule of law should take into account the national ownership as well as cultural diversity and specificity of each country.
• We emphasize the importance of active participation of Troop Contributing Countries (TCCs) in policy formulation and decision-making process in all stages of peacekeeping operations to achieve the partnership and effectiveness required for the United Nations peacekeeping missions. We underline the need for an effective triangular cooperation between TCCs, the Secretariat and the Security Council. We also believe that principle of equitable geographical distribution should be fully into account in staffing the headquarters and agencies in the fields at all levels.
In conclusion, I would like to once again reiterate our strong commitment and support to the UN peacekeeping operations as the flagship activity of the United Nations. In this regard, my Government stands ready to increase its contribution to the peacekeeping operations logistically and militarily, by deploying troop, military observer, police and civilians.
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